YEGarden Suites
Thinking about building a home in your backyard, but don't know where to start? YEGarden Suites can help. We are Edmonton's only independent, non-profit, garden suite organization dedicated to serving homeowners who are interested in building what are now known in Edmonton as a Backyard Housing. Through workshops, tours, and educational events, we provide you with all the information you need to start your own Backyard Housing project. Scroll down to learn more about Backyard Housing, what we do, and how we can help you.
Upcoming events
YEGarden Suites Deep Dive Workshop
Sunday, Nov. 10
Starts at 12:00pm
Mill Woods Senior and Multicultural CentreJoin us for YEGarden Suites' Deep Dive Workshop. This workshop provides attendees with an in-depth look at Backyard Housing in Edmonton!