Taproot Edmonton Calendar BETA
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AI and Inventing Meetup

Wednesday, June 19, 2024
6:00pm to 8:00pm

Ashford House Pub & Kitchen
More Information

Hi Edmonton Inventors! Join us at the next Inventor Meetup. The theme will be AI and Inventing, and how to use it in the invention process. Bring your questions and helpful tips.

— David Bayda

We will be meeting in-person at Ashford House Pub (upstairs area) in Edmonton.

Connect with other budding inventors to network and learn more about the world of inventing, patenting, manufacturing, marketing, design, and Intellectual Property.

Please share with your networks via social media. Please RSVP on Meetup. I look forward to seeing you.

Cheers, David

PS: I will be collecting $5.00 cash (optional) for those attending to assist in the cost of running this meetup group.

X: @ideadave

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/davidbayda

Email: ideadave82@gmail.com

Ashford House Pub & Kitchen

12026 107 Ave NW
Edmonton, AB, T5H 0W7